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2月簡報 | Summary of February 2020

陳列室正式開放 以往,掛畫系統在香港不是太常見,現在漸漸開始普及。為了讓客人看見各種不同的效果,陳列室會不定期更換不同用途的懸掛系統,不一定掛畫才用得到,其實任何東西也可美觀及靈活地掛起來。 裱畫作品 一直以來,地圖裝裱都很受歡迎,有古董情懷的,也有比較當代的。...

畫框及掛畫配件陳列室 | Frame and hanging system showroom

致藝術品愛好者及設計師們 來到2020年二月,雖然疫情還未過去,但在新一年中我們仍然希望提升服務質素和服務範圍。 我們首次設立畫框及懸掛系統陳列室,歡迎對室內設計有興趣或希望於家中掛畫的朋友到來參觀,取取靈感。 To Art lovers and designers In...

Frame your artwork in different way

Frame a lovely picture to your beloved at this Christmas. Last your impression and keep your memory in a picture frame with conservation...

Rope lifting

When a large painting that could not get through your elevator, rope lifting is a way to bring your painting into your flat. Music:...

10月簡報 | Summary of October

Recent project at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Art rails were installed at the library space, staff / artist can...

Removal Notice

REMOVAL NOTICE We would like to inform you that Art Experience Limited office has been relocated. Details are as follows: Address: Room...

Frame a newspaper

How we keep our history? how to preserve a memory? The answer is frame it! Some ideas for reference: We have a lot of dedicated frame for...

Affordable Art Fair - framing partner

We had a great time with all of our friends and strangers at the fair. Giving framing advise, providing framing service, artwork...

Affordable Art Fair HK (16-19 May 2019)

今年5月,我們再次成為Affordable Art Fair的裝裱合作伙伴,有幸將我們新一季的畫框線條展示出來,以及提供即場的顧問服務 包括建議合適的裱畫方法、運用不同的咭紙配搭作品、膠片種類的應用等等。同場展示來自台灣、荷蘭和日本的掛畫系統,是不破壞牆身也可以展示畫作的方...


於香港今旅酒店舉辦的這個非牟利展覽名為「香城四味」,是由一群熱愛寫生的朋友策劃的。四位畫家透過其作品,從傳統花牌勝會、舊樓、大牌檔與傳統小食,以及敎堂與廟宇,展現出疑幻似真的我城風貌。 我們以贊助的形式提供裝裱意見及裱畫服務,希望透過微微的行動支持這群熱血的畫家們,為他們分...



Imagine It 書籍懸掛系統

Presentation becomes part of the interior. Stylish and practical. A narrow cable runs along both sides of the IMAGINE IT magazines...


Good day to you! Wish you happy and healthy in the year of 2019. Our Chinese New Year holiday starts from 2 Feb to 10 Feb 2019. We will...

GATSBY style

New moulding from Spain and Italy - GATSBY style Excessively extravagant, cool and stylish mouldings are available now!

Alhambra Style 阿爾罕布拉宮款式

超級罕有阿拉伯式宮殿花紋線條,有金色及黑銀色選擇,複雜的花紋取材於貝殼,花和星星等大自然中的要素為題材,浮誇得來不帶一點俗氣而且極具韻味又高貴。適合地毯或鏡子鑲框。 來自西班牙線條廠的,手感、顏色、做工都非常有質素。

Metallic Style

Mix of modern / antiquated silver moulding with light silver in background and finished above with a modern darker silver oxidation.

Simply Life

這是來自西班牙線條廠的簡約款式,木材是非洲輕木 (Ayous),其高度由30米至65米不等。由於它的材質不易受溫度影響,所以它相對地是一種很耐用的木材。當然木材最後也需要經過處理才可生產成線條並出口。

Romance in 19 Century

Pine wood. The style is classical, hand gilded with gold and silver leaf. Typical style from the 19th Century.

Mood of Tropical



位於南豐紗廠的小店 - 茂一茂是一間傳統甜品店,店主希望運用店內的一幅牆來展示一些跟文化藝術有關的作品。於是我們考慮到他們需要容易更換畫作及盡量不破壞牆身的情況下, 建議他們使用掛畫系統。 是裝在牆身,來自荷蘭的白色掛畫路軌。安裝後每次更換畫時就可以省去鑽牆及補牆等工序。方...

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